In a recent issue of Cosmopolitan Magazine there was an article about POTS! I hope you've already seen the article, but if not, here's the link...Cosmo: I Have TWO Rare Diseases.
I have to say I was thrilled when I saw the article, as I never thought an article about POTS would be found anywhere other than a medical journal or website. I was so thrilled actually, that I shared this article with my three closest friends. One friend, always a total sweetheart, responded by saying that she was happy POTS had been written about in a popular women's magazine and that she would read the article when she had a chance. She followed up with a text message later that night after she read the article. Another friend, who is as much of a facebook junkie as I am, IMed me as she read the article, commenting as she went along. The third friend didn't respond at all. She didn't reply to my email, she didn't send me a text or give me a call, and she didn't even mention it the next time we talked. (And, yes, I know she received the email.) I honestly have to say I was truly surprised and rather hurt by her response or lack there of. It not only made me question her support of my chronic illness, but it also made me question our entire friendship. How could she not respond to something so important to me? I honestly do not know.
This made me wonder, how do other people's friends respond to their chronic illness. So, I'm asking you these questions, and I hope you'll answer honestly. How do your friends respond to your chronic illness? Are they supportive? Are they right there with you helping you through the rough days? Or do they pretend your chronic illness doesn't exist? I'd love to know how you feel and respond to your friends' support or lack of support. Do you let it impact your friendships, or do you just pretend it doesn't hurt, like we so often do with so many things when living with a chronic illness?
I look forward to your comments, and I hope you're having a symptom free day!
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