I’m friendly, caring, compassionate, & fiercely loyal. I’m passionate about helping those in need, be it human or animal. I’m a red head, an animal lover, and a country girl at heart.
I’m a t-shirt and jeans kind of girl, but I also love dressing up. I love accessorizing, & you won’t find me wearing anything but flip flops when the weather’s right.
I’m an only child, & spending time with my friends & family is very important to me. I’m independent, strong willed, fun loving, & have been called sassy more than a few times in my life. I love my dogs, also known as my furbabies.
And I love my life, except for this little thing called POTS...
Now, for the cast of this drama I call life...
Princess Daisy Jane ~ Nope, that's not my name! It belongs to the most precious little Westie in the whole wide world. Having been together for almost thirteen years, I truly believe that if I could take Princess Daisy Jane with me everywhere I go, I'd be a much nicer person!
The Jebby Man ~ As a retired champion hunting retriever, The Jebby Man is living the good life. Often seen sporting his Thunder Shirt during bad weather, The Jebby Man can be found spending his days lounging in the bed of Yours Truly, his afternoons basking in the warm sunshine, and his nights snuggled up with me and snoring like an old man.
The Natty Bear ~ Lovingly called The Natty Bear, he's almost as big as a Grizzly. With a thunderous growl and the muscle to back it up, The Natty Bear is the best guard dog ever. He's also sweet as pie to Yours Truly, always by my side with every step I take and often serving as support when I'm having a POTSie moment.
J.G. Gatman ~ Known as the bad boy of the bunch, J.G. Gatman has never met a smelly pile of poo or mud puddle he didn't like. His mischievousness is legendary and has landed him in big trouble more than a time or two. But with his goofy bark, sweet little smile, and ability to make you laugh on your worst day, Yours Truly can never stay made at him for very long.
Merde Belle ~ A sweet little rescue kitten no bigger than a tea glass when she joined the family, Merde Belle is convinced she's a dog. She also has the uncanny ability to sense a POTSie spell and comes running to my aid, no matter where I may be in the house, and makes every effort to lay on top of my heart.
Momma & My Daddy ~ Simply put, the best parents a girl could ask for.
Wrong Frog ~ The ex husband...enough said.
Nice Neighbor ~ My neighbors to the right who are just too kind for words.
Nasty Neighbor ~ My neighbors to the left who are mean, nasty, and rather trashy.
***More cast to come, I'm sure!***
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